Home Love

by , under Thoughts on This and That

In the spirit of making writing a priority, I have been busy signing up for writing classes and The Muse and The Marketplace conference, put on here in Boston by a great writing center called Grub St.


Looks like a great event with workshops on both the creative and business sides of publishing. I am looking forward to connecting with the local writing community. My writing group back in Portland, Oregon was instrumental in getting me writing and I miss them! It will be helpful to build some of that support here too.

But today, I am putting all that aside, because my daughter is winging her way home from college for spring break! I remember when I was younger and would come home for vacations, it always seemed my parents had just been sitting around waiting for me to arrive. They put everything on hold and all my favorite meals would appear on the table and I would regale them with stories from my other life. Now the shoe is on the other foot. My notebooks are being stashed and the spaghetti sauce is on the stove. The welcome home chocolate cake is ready (so good that no one knows or cares that it is grain and gluten free!) Real life can just hold off for a week while I listen to my daughter’s adventures and refuel her with some home love!


Write me your thoughts. I love to read your comments.